Admit it. You sniff your kid's butt too. Way easier than fighting him on the changing table only to find he's dry.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Weekend Update
Hope you are all having a restful Memorial Day weekend. We enjoyed some time with Nana and Poppy and are SO happy to have our puppy girl back home again. No more crawling around on the kitchen floor cleaning up after Caleb! Chloe's home and on food patrol once again! Things are quiet around here now, all three are sleeping and I'm trying to get caught up on bills and email. We went and bought our new fridge, washer and dryer this morning. Very exciting! We've never had "fancy" appliances before and so I can't wait to give them a try at the new house. We're still all systems go for closing a month from today. I'm hoping the time goes quickly and without a lot of stress. We have a lot to pack, a roof to replace and lots to get organized. If you don't already have plans for July 4th please pencil us in. We're planning a housewarming pool party that weekend. Fun!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Fabulous Things About Fourteen Months!
Mr. Helpful turned 14m this past week. Wow, time really flies. In honor of his 14m birthday and the fact that I've been blogging more about housing woes than about him lately I'm dedicating this post solely to my little guy.
14 Fun Facts about 14 Months:
14 Fun Facts about 14 Months:
- Caleb has a blankie (from Nana and Poppy) and a stuffed elephant (from Vero y Cesar) that he just can't part with these days. Nana already bought us a backup blankie in case ours meets an unfortunate end. Yeah, he's my kid. Gotta love your blankie!
- Caleb is a talking machine! He has said (at least once): red, thank you, help, Mom, Da Da, up, outside, uh oh and apple. Now, to the untrained ear these might sound like baby babble but we're 100% sure that's what he said. Really.
- Caleb loves asparagus and green peas but won't touch mac n cheese or chicken nuggets. No explanation there.
- Caleb loves playing outside. All we hear is outside, outside, outside. At 6am, 7pm, rain, heat - no matter. This boy loves his watering cans and dirt.
- Caleb understands a ton! If you ask him to go get the book about babies or the dog book or the color book he can rifle though the basket and return with the correct one. How freaking cool is that?
- Caleb is an artist at heart. He loves whacking his sippy on the floor until the milk comes out and then drawing lovely pictures in milk all over my floors. Especially when they've just been cleaned. Thanks kiddo!
- Caleb loves his Da Da. We wait for Juan to come home in the afternoons while playing with the wooden blocks and listening to Cri Cri. We then bang on the window when we see Juan and run to the door to hug him.
- Caleb is a fabulous dancer. He can shake his rear end like no other toddler I've seen. Watch out ladies!
- Caleb's favorite (inside) toys are the Rudy's cup and old Tupperware. Why we buy anything else for him I don't know.
- Caleb loves flowers and especially enjoys picking the blooms off and bringing them to me. Yeah, we're working on that one.
- Caleb can throw a tantrum that would bring tears of joy to my grandmother's eyes. I'm not sure what the little boy equivalent of drama queen is but buddy we've got one here. You try and tell the kid no and see what happens.
- Caleb loves bathtime and splashing. He really, really, really likes it when his Daddy lets him slide up and down in the tub. Once that's done he takes his toys (filled with water of course) and dumps them over the side onto the floor and innocently proclaims "uh oh"!
- Caleb loves Chloe. We miss her a LOT and are looking forward to her coming home from her trip to the great northern wilderness. I hear they have snakes and armadillos up there!
- Caleb is the best thing that we've ever done, our greatest joy and our truest love. We tell each other every day what a fantastic little boy we have and how so very lucky we are to be his parents. We love you Scooter!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Casualties of War
Moving is rough. The troops are standing firm but unfortunately we're already two men down. Who have we lost? The card reader for the camera and the potato peeler. Let's face it, in the process of decluttering, sometimes you just have to say screw it and start throwing things in boxes. A realtor calls to show the house and you shove everything on the counter off into a drawer with one fell swoop. It happens, even to the most organized and anal retentive of us. And somehow, somewhere, we lost the card reader and the potato peeler. Now, both have been seen and used within the last few days. That means they're not in the storage unit but still at large in the house. Perhaps they went AWOL. I know I've considered it a few times this week. But, I'm standing firm and fighting the good fight. Inspections went reasonably well and I don't foresee any deal breakers in the near future. We do have a few issues to resolve but things should be settled this week and then we'll be well on our way to closing in June.
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 8, 2009
House Update
This has been quite the week! Seven days ago we were looking forward to a quiet weekend at home. Maybe some yard work or a trip to HEB, nothing more. Now here we are bought, sold and soon to be inspected. They're inspecting our current house tomorrow morning and the new house tomorrow afternoon. Assuming no dead bodies or major structural issues are found we should be set and all systems go for closing. It's still over a month away but I know the time will go quickly. I've been working hard to educate myself on pools, cook tops and fridges. Exciting and a bit scary at the same time. We've decided we don't like living in showable condition. My boys aren't neat freaks and the poor dog hates having to stay in a kennel (thanks Raider!) while we're gone. It will be over soon though and we are so excited about the new house and the memories we'll have there.
Think good inspection thoughts for us tomorrow! Happy Mother's Day to me! I want a rain check for a nice fruity drink served poolside...
Think good inspection thoughts for us tomorrow! Happy Mother's Day to me! I want a rain check for a nice fruity drink served poolside...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Moving On Up...
Our offer has been accepted on the new house. And we accepted an above asking price offer on our house this afternoon. First day on the market! Woo Hoo!
We're moving to the east side people. Watch out Round Rock!
We're moving to the east side people. Watch out Round Rock!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Eventful Weekend
We are on the market people! The house has been de-cluttered, staged and mostly cleaned. We're now the proud owners of a storage unit and hopefully soon a new house. No word yet on if the sellers have accepted our offer. Our first open house is tomorrow so send the good selling karma and any extra St. Joseph statues my way...
Will keep you updated as things progress!
Will keep you updated as things progress!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Eat Your Heart Out Neil Sperry
Caleb is really into outside. He'll bring me my flip flops and squeal "ooooosiiiii, ooooosiiiiii". Pretty cute. Here are a few pictures of him outside playing. He loves to carry a watering can in each hand and walk around talking to himself and wacking the plants.

And a shot of breakfast #2 this morning. We love our Cheerios!
More pictures (including the succulent pictures I promised Kasey) are here. Hope you all have a great weekend!
And a shot of breakfast #2 this morning. We love our Cheerios!
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