Those were Caleb's first thoughts on the beach - which he referred to as the "pool". He loved it! He shoveled things, splashed, made mud and knocked over any attempts by his father or grandfather to build a sandcastle. Needless to say, we had a wonderful time. It was overcast, warm and perfect toddler beach weather.
The trip down and back was
ok. Caleb was awake more than in trips past and so copious amounts of cheerios and goldfish were needed to keep him content and occupied. I consider that pretty easy in the grand scheme. What was much harder was sleeping. Caleb's not a big fan of the pack-n-play and being subjected to sleep in it while his
snuggly parents were two feet away in a real bed was simply asking too much. The first night was pretty rough. The second night he had a runny nose (cough,cough) and slept straight through. We'll have to come up with plan b though before we take another trip. I'm afraid the pack-n-play just won't cut it anymore.
It was fun to get to see
Abuelito and Adriana. Caleb loved having an audience and even Chloe did very well (her first trip to the Valley).
Lots of pictures
here. Enjoy!