This post is about avocado and crawling.
Let's start with the avocado. I mashed up a little avocado last night and gave it to Juan to feed to Caleb with his dinner. Usually, as soon as he sees solid food he opens his mouth wide like a baby bird and chows down on whatever you have to offer. Then there was avocado. He promptly made a horrible help-the-big-people-are-trying-poison-the-baby face and started gagging. It was honestly way too much melodrama (think Tutti fit level drama). He coughed and glared and gagged and sputtered so much that Juan flipped him over and patted his back to make sure he wasn't choking. Nope, not choking, just not feeling the love for the avocado. Hello! You're half Mexican baby! Of course this coming from his mother who abhors all forms of mashed potatoes, turkey, beans, peas, and eggs. If he's a picky eater he comes by it honestly. Anyway, he gulped down his "normal" dinner (lentils and rice) and drank his entire bottle. No avocado though. Oh well, Juan and I split it and enjoyed it with our dinner instead.
And as for crawling? He's up on all fours and rocking. He'll lunge forward but just ends up flat on his face. It's coming though. I see the little wheels turning...
We have several new videos of him up on YouTube - be sure to check them out!
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