We've still got a fever. It was 102 around lunchtime so I gave him more Tylenol and fed him. He's scarfing down the solids but drinking very little milk. I tried cutting out solids think that would force him to drink more but no go. So, some milk and normal amounts of food are better than nothing. The fever should break by Sunday so hopefully then he'll be back to his normal self. He was up every three hours last night - something we haven't done since May! Wow, I am not ready for a newborn again any time soon!

Here are some pictures from this afternoon. Caleb is wearing his new outfit (12m) from Tia Adriana. He looks happy but it's just because he likes the camera flash. As soon as I stopped taking his picture he started screaming!
1 comment:
Poor baby. Reese says he hopes Caleb feels better soon.
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