Tuesday, September 16, 2008

6 month checkup

Can you believe Caleb is 6 months! Technically, 6 months and 2 days now. Wow, time flies...

We saw Dr Ramirez this morning and got an A+! Our little darling was 19 lbs and 15 oz - practically 20 pounds! He's 27 inches and his head was something big. Weight was 90%, length and head were 75%. Those were the same %'s as his 4m visit so we're holding steady on the growth curve. Dr Ramirez was very impressed with his sitting, standing and scooching. He said we were developmentally ahead of schedule and looked great.

The exciting news is that we can now start to eat big people food! Cheerios, baby crackers and mushy table food are all ok. No grapes or hot dogs yet though. Yikes!

Caleb wasn't very impressed with the shots (3) and has been quite fussy since we left. I had a hell of a time getting him to sleep when we got home (despite the Tylenol) and now that he finally is napping I'm hoping it'll last awhile and improve his mood. Depending on how he does when he wakes up we may go to HEB and get some baby crackers.

I'll try and post new pictures later....

1 comment:

Kasey said...

Yay! How did he do while you were in Cabo? I want to hear about your trip too!