Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Neurotic Mother Who Cried Tooth

This is the updated twenty-first century version of the little boy who cried wolf. You know, the one where the Mom swears for months and months on end that her baby is teething? And then nothing appears. Well, I promise that those top teeth are coming people. You can't feel them but they HAVE to be on their way with all the baby drama we have going on. He's fussy, cranky and chewing like a new puppy. I almost entitled this post "Our New Puppy" just because I could go on for quite awhile about how the child gnaws on everything he can get his fat baby fingers around. He cut his top teeth the first weekend in August. August! It's November! Where are our top teeth! I actually laid in bed last night wondering if Caleb didn't HAVE any top teeth. But I checked this morning and there's something up there. Just not out yet.

In a moment of Baby Orajel induced bliss today Juan recorded a cute video.

They're coming...

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