Friday, July 17, 2009

Things I Say Every Day

Pretty entertaining if I do say so myself. Get it? Say so? And it's things I say? Ha!
  1. Uh oh what? Caleb says uh oh and I have no clue what for.
  2. Stop pulling her hair out! He has a new fascination with Chloe's fur and loves pulling it out by the handful. Nice.
  3. You've had enough bananas for today. Let's eat something else. Yesterday he ate 3 bananas and still wanted more. He really is a little monkey.
  4. Dude, don't throw your food. If you're done eating then just say so. This requires no explanation.
  5. Where's the choo choo? Great distraction although I do feel a bit guilty when I know that choo choo is nowhere to be found and that he's just wasting his time looking for it.
  6. It's too hot for outside. Let's play inside. Never works but it's worth a try.
  7. Wow, you are so pretty. He is. So very pretty.
  8. Nice touches. Don't poke Mommy's eyes out please. He knows where your eyes are and he loves to poke. Hard.
  9. Seriously. Where do you learn these things? He knows how to put the lid on tupperware. He can do a puzzle meant for 3yd olds. Oh, and he also knows how to undo the top buckle on his carseat. Why me? Why me?
  10. I love you big boy. I do. A lot.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Kasey said...

I'm right there with you with #2, 4, 7, and 10. Let's hope Caleb doesn't start eating Chloe's hair, like Reese eats Jenny's!