Friday, October 24, 2008

Crawling Chaos!

He's on the move people. And wow is the learning curve steep.

Caleb started crawling on Tuesday. It's now Friday and he's a mad man! If it is remotely dangerous or not appropriate for a seven month old baby he is ALL over it. His current list of favorites include:
  • dryer sheets
  • curtains
  • the poor, poor dog
  • any cord, wire or other electrical thing
  • the vaporizer
  • dirt, rocks or leaves that have been tracked in by the dog

Nice. Silly old me thought that once her beloved first-born was mobile he'd joyfully turn and crawl towards HER as she clapped and called his name. Yes, she who endured 41 weeks of pregnancy only to be followed by 14 hours and 18 minutes of childbirth. (OK, so I had good drugs and it wasn't all THAT bad). No, no fair reader. When I try and get him to come towards me he simply smiles, turns the exact opposite direction and then high-tails it for the nearest illegal object at lightening fast baby speed. Lovely.

Here's an example. This afternoon Caleb and I were in the nursery and I was trying to change the sheet on the crib. I put him on the floor (I couldn't very well put him IN the bed if I was changing the sheet, right?) and was proceeding to untie the bumper (which we have to have or else he gets his fat baby legs caught in the slats). I'd untie and turn around and check, untie and turn around and check. He was slowly making progress towards the curtains. Fine, I had only a couple of ties to go and figured I'd finish before he managed to pull them down. So I finish and turn around and see this:

That's the bag of new diapers that I keep next to the changing table. He graciously pulled them all out of the bag and was slinging them around the room. And there's the super dangerous plastic bag to boot! Agh!

To quote my beloved mother, "At least he wasn't twins!"

There's a fun video of him crawling on YouTube and also another one from tonight.

We may have met our match....

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