Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Move over Monet - Here come Caleb Rafael!

Caleb brought his first official piece of artwork home from school today.
It's a tree (obviously!) with leaves that are changing colors. Pretty creative for a child who has never seen a real season change, eh? Note how the fingerprints slowly trickle down towards the ground as if to symbolize summer's passing and autumn's arrival. Just like he's transitioning from infanthood to babyhood. As he becomes more and more mobile so do the leaves move on too. The alternating colors surely represent the inner struggle he faces as he struggles for more independence yet still relies on us for everything. I'm not going to discuss what the brown smear of tree trunk stands for. I'll leave that to you artsy types.

Ok, this is getting deep. Time to stop and go do laundry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bravo maestro!
A true master piece!