Thursday, October 16, 2008


I have a new goal: To be able to take a nice walk in the neighborhood with BOTH Caleb and Chloe. Now, those of you who are familiar with my beloved basset know that this is much easier said than done. She can't walk in a straight line to save her life, she enjoys peeing every five feet and she pulls really hard. Juan has tried again and again to make her walk like a civilized animal and in all honesty she does do pretty well with him. I'm another story though - I let her go as far as the leash will allow and pulling hard just means we all walk a little faster. To walk with Caleb though means that we had to first lay some ground rules.

1. No pulling.

2. Walk in a straight line (or as straight as the stroller driver walks)

3. When Mommy says stop, you stop.

4. Basset ears and front stroller wheels must be even. We all walk together.

5. No whining or slinging slobber on the baby.

Off we went! Well, until I opened the front door and realized it's (gasp!) kinda cool this morning. Door closed and baby was forced to put on pants and socks. Major whining ensued on both the part of the basset and the baby for the delay in travel.

Off we went again! Only to encounter a pug and it's owner walking down our street and just one yard away. We had to stop and let them pass. Mommy gave another pep talk to the troops.

And off we went for real!

We did pretty good for our first try. Chloe pulled. I corrected her. Caleb got the hiccups. Chloe whined. Caleb giggled. Stroller ran over Chloe's feet b/c she didn't stay in line. Chloe whined some more. Caleb chewed on the stroller straps. Chloe peed. I ran over the basset feet again. Caleb kicked. And so on and so forth.

We made it to the end of the street and back. I'm happy and ready to try again tomorrow.

Here's a picture. Hope you all have a good day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey grandparents... check out what new adventure Caleb and I are about to embark on...?

.. scuba diving in the Red Sea by the time he is 18.

-the father