Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hey There Cute Boy! I'm Coming To Get You...

Yesterday I left work, went and picked Caleb up from school and headed home. I usually talk to him as I drive although his responses are limited to "ba ba ba" or just plain ignoring me. I pulled into the driveway and started to get out of the car. As I stood up I turned and said "Hey there cute boy! I'm coming to get you..." and raised my arms up like a bear does when they get all mad. You know what I mean. Well, just about that time a poor jogger - male, of course - was jogging down the street and was right behind my car. Yeah. The look on his face! I put my arms down and mumbled something about the baby in the back seat. He just stared and kept on running. I got my kid and went inside.

New pictures in the slideshow...

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