Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Attention Olympic Athletes:

Please shave your armpits! For goodness sake people, you do not go on worldwide TV and parade around waving your arms in the air and not shave first! Hello!

Perhaps if I had the kind of athletic abilities it takes to be in the Olympics I would have better things to worry about. But I don't have any athletic abilities whatsoever so I reserve the right to comment on other people's.

I did tell Juan last night that having a baby was way harder than some of these sports. (Note: I'm still waiting for my trophy). He was strongly in favor of me NOT trying competitive childbirth. Point well taken.


Unknown said...

It is in the mail....


Kasey said...

I actually got a trophy for Mother's Day from my thoughtful husband. My coworkers would not leave me alone about my desire to have a natural birth. They used to say, "No one gets a trophy for having a baby without drugs." I did. : )