Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our Weekend

We had an exciting day yesterday!

In preparation for our trip to Garland next weekend, Caleb had (gasp!) jar food for lunch. It's not practical to bring ice cubes on a road trip so I bought a few jars of baby food for him. I didn't want to find out three hours from home though that either he didn't like it or that it didn't sit well with his system. So, we're going to try it out this week just to be safe. For lunch he had lentils and brown rice. It tasted really gross but he loved it. What does Mere call Reid? Lunchbox? I may start calling mine Garbage Disposal!

After lunch we headed to Babies R Us to look at big boy car seats. The one that I want is really big. It took us a few minutes to get it all figured out. Caleb was very well behaved - he sat in the umbrella stroller and smiled and babbled to anyone who walked by. He fits in the car seat but slumps a little. We're going to have to get it soon though b/c we only have a pound or two before we're too big for the infant carrier. I'm hoping we still have a month or so left and in that time his sitting up improves and thus he doesn't slump quite as much.

Today we're going to try another jar of food at lunch and do yard work. Caleb likes to sit in his stroller on the driveway and watch me pull weeds while Juan cuts. Hopefully the weather will be nice and not too hot. Chloe's in for a b-a-t-h at some point. So, all in all a typical weekend. Hope you all had a nice one as well!

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