Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 3: Rain y Recoleta

Another good day today. It started off a little wet as we woke up (at 9am! Seriously!) to cloudy skies and light rain. We decided to head to the Museo de Bella Artes first since it was inside and a good way to pass the time until the weather cleared. It was a good museum - a nice collection of old stuff and native Argentinian works. Even a couple of Gauguin who is my favorite.

Afterwards we headed off to lunch to a place that was known for their empanadas. Yeah, no. They have nothing on Mexico people. We did enjoy a nice plate of french fries however and a slice of lemon pie. After that we headed to the cemetery in Recoleta to check out the crazy architecture and see Evita.

Now, for the record, if my family had a fancy crypt in the middle of the Recoleta cemetery I'd be sure to make sure that the cobwebs were cleaned out and that no glass was broken. It was amazing to see how many graves were unkempt and in disrepair. Note to those families - get with the picture and show a little respect for the dead please. We walked around for awhile and then headed back for our afternoon nap.

The tango show tonight was a lot of fun. The dancers were crazy good and the music was very enjoyable. I was tired by the time it was over (midnight) and very happy to shed the high heels in lieu of my pajamas. We have a quiet day planned for tomorrow and are then thinking of going on a day trip to Uruguay on Monday.

News from home is still good. We've seen Caleb on the web cam each day and although he doesn't seem to care much to talk to us, it does my heart good to see him and know he's ok.

Pictures here.

Love to all,

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