Thursday, January 7, 2010

Magical Pajamas

So, in my loser blogger-ness, I managed to miss posting on Thanksgiving, Christmas and now New Years. So, for the record:

Happy Thanksgiving.

Merry Christmas.

And wishing you a joyful and prosperous 2010.

Ok, that's done. Now onto the important stuff. Magical pajamas...

My pathetic excuse for not blogging in over a month is lack of sleep. During the month of December Caleb slept through the night exactly 3 times. Out of 31.

We tried various approaches. First, we caved and stumbled down the hall at 4:30 am (it is ALWAYS 4:30 for some bizarre reason) plucked him out of the crib and into bed with us. This was a great plan if you were Juan b/c all Caleb wanted was to lay on my chest and ram his big baby head into my wind pipe and sleep. Not so conducive for Mom's sleep.

The reasoning was that the entire month of December would be rough with grandparents visiting, holidays and general merriment. We thought we could just make it til January and then re-Ferberize after Juan and I got back from vacation. I mean, why go through the drama and wailing to just have to redo it again after we get back?

Well, just going with it worked until the week of Christmas but by then Caleb was waking up 2-3 times a night and screaming for Nana or Mama. Not cool.

So, we Ferberized. That kinda worked but then we all realized that there was a pattern forming. Caleb slept all night when he wore his fleece footie pajamas. He didn't sleep all night when he wore his normal pajamas. Eager to test our theory we tried the magic pajamas two nights in a row. He slept. We slept. Hooray for magic pajamas!

Was he cold? Not snugly enough? Is is a fluke? No clue. But you know who was at Carter's bright and early to buy more fleece footie pajamas the next day right? Yours truly.

We are now the proud owners of 3 pairs of magic pajamas. I'm not going to question what works people. Let's hear it for the fleece footies!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

P.S. I promise frequent updates while we're on vacation!

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