Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We're off to a good start around here....

Yesterday Juan was doing a last-minute run to Sam's as we prepared to leave on vacation. Caleb and I were at home playing our new favorite game entitled "slide fake food down the boy tunnel and giggle a lot". If you haven't tried it then you should. Anyway, our fake food of choice was half of a hamburger bun that my toddler seemed convinced was really a pizza. Odd, because he doesn't like pizza. He slid the "pizza" down the tunnel and it popped up off of one of the metal rings shaping the tunnel and hit me square in the corner of my left eye. I have a nice goose egg and the beginnings of a bruise. Lovely.

Juan was looking for a coat at Sam's. It seems that somehow "we" managed to lose his in the move. No comments on that from the wife, just suffice it to say that we are completely unaware of the location of his coat. And he needs a coat if he wants to go tromping around glaciers. So, as I was recovering my my near blinding he comes traipsing in the back door with his new coat. And I laugh. It's a grey faux suede hoodie of sorts and in it he's a dead ringer for the Unibomber. Seriously.

So how are we going to fare tomorrow at the security check-in at the airport? Me sporting a black eye and sobbing uncontrollably because I've just left my precious baby behind and the Unibomber holding my arm? Just peachy, I'm sure.

And the icing on the cake? Juan says that there are no port-a-potties on glaciers. WTH people! How exactly am I supposed to pee on ice then? Sigh.

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